When inputs are submitted

Add medias input like text, image, video and others into your flows.


Here are the eight types of input components available:

  • Short text : The Short text Input component lets you enter a brief text such as a single word, a short description or a question.

  • Long text : The Long Text Input component is designed for entering extended text, like articles, book chapters or scripts.

  • Checkbox : The Checkbox Input component lets you enable or disable your flow using a switch.

  • Number : The Number Input component accepts numerical values, either integers or floats.

  • File : The File Input component lets you upload various types of files, including images, videos, and audio files, for use in your flows.

  • Audio : The Audio Input component allows you to record audio from a microphone and provide it to components in your Flow. Click the "Start Recording" button to change the Audio Input UI to show the current recording status. To stop recording, click the red square Stop button, which updates the UI to allow audio playback.

  • List : The List Input component allows you to create a list of items from which you can select one or multiple options within your workflow.

  • Time : The Time Input component lets you choose a specific date and time from a calendar.

Component settings

Short text / Long text / Number:

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.


Temporary value assigned to the variable to indicate that it will be replaced or modified later in the program. They can also serve as a reminder that a specific value or data needs to be inserted at a later point.

Default Value

It's the initial value assigned to it when it is declared or created.


Decide if the Input variable must be declared before it is used.

Checkbox :

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.

Default Value

It's the initial value assigned to it when it is declared or created.

File Upload :

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.


Decide if the Input variable must be declared before it is used.

Audio Record :

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.


Decide if the Input variable must be declared before it is used.

Dropdown List :

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.


There is two different styles available : a dropdown or a list.

Accept multiple select

Decide if you can select multiple items in the dropdown list.


Decide if the Input variable must be declared before it is used.


Set the value of the item in the dropdown list. You can add an option by clicking the + button.

Time :

Parameter NameDescription

Input Label

Specify the title for your Input. For example, you can name your audio input "My Voice".

Variable Name

Define the variable for the input. Choose a relevant name as it will be used to identify the input in the components.


Write the description of your Input.

Date format

Decide the date format between five formats.



  • DD/MM/YY

  • MM/DD/YY


Include time

Decide if you add the time to the date.

Time format

This option appears only if "Include Time" is turned on. You can choose whether the format is based on 24-hour or 12-hour time.


Appears only if "include Time" is turned on. Timezone refer to a region of the Earth that has the same standard time. Timezones are defined by their offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The values vary between GMT -12 to GMT +12.


Decide if the Input variable must be declared before it is used.

Use case

You can view all the various use cases with different inputs in the Examples section.

Last updated